
DC Assault Arrest Expectations

When a person has been arrested on allegations of assault in Washington, DC, the very first thing that they should do is attempt to contact an established assault lawyer or attempt to contact family members and then reach out to lawyers. Important DC assault arrest expectations include potential questioning from law enforcement regarding the arrest or accusation itself. However, speaking with an attorney prior to responding to those questions can help provide you the protection you need to fight the charges against you.

Arrest Expectations Following Assault Charges

When a person is charged with assault in Washington, DC, it can sometimes be tempting for that person to believe that the matter can be resolved easily by discussing the situation with an accuser and possibly talk them out of pressing charges. It is very important for people to understand that assault cases are not like civil lawsuits where an accuser can simply decline to press charges. Part of DC assault arrest expectations includes understanding the value of waiting for legal assistance before speaking to anyone.

When an accuser makes an accusation against someone, it is ultimately up to the prosecutor to decide how to move forward on that case. The prosecutor can sometimes move forward on cases with minimal investigation, a few witnesses, and little tangible evidence aside from a brief accusation. This can be surprising to many people who find themselves being charged with what appears to be a relatively minor allegation based on a mere scuffle at a bar. The US Attorney’s Office devotes significant resources towards even minor simple assault cases and moves forward on those charges.

Can Someone Answer Questions the Police Ask?

Refusing to answer questions until a person has had the opportunity to speak to a lawyer is essential to fighting assault charges. The problem that most people have when they are defending themselves against criminal accusations are their own statements. A person should think of this whenever they are interacting with the police. Everything that a person says to the police is one less thing that the police no longer have to prove is true.

Can Speaking With Law Enforcement Impact One’s Case?

If a person makes an admission or makes a statement, regardless of whether they believe that statement helps them or hurts them, if it comes out of their mouth, it is evidence again them. If a person does not make that statement, that is a statement that the police do not have to use in the case. The police cannot penalize them for declining to answer questions and the police are not there to try and help them regardless of what they say.

If a police officer tells someone that their silence is making things worse for them or answering their questions is going to make the person look more sympathetic to prosecutors later on, do not believe them because it is not true; the police are not trying to make the situation better. The only thing the police are trying to do is get evidence against the person that they can use to convict the person later on. A person should keep that in mind when they decide whether they want to answer questions.

Risk of Not Seeking Legal Assistance

One of the DC assault arrest expectations is not being given an immediate opportunity to contact a lawyer. Should that be the case, the accused should absolutely refuse to answer any questions or make any statements until they have had that opportunity. In many situations, it can be very difficult to have statements thrown out of evidence prior to trial.

It is important not to underestimate the consequences that a person could face, even if they are only charged with a misdemeanor simple assault. Having an attorney investigate witnesses, seek out video evidence and engage in an aggressive defense strategy is absolutely vital to fighting assault accusations.